

1 じゃれマガカルチャー③
2 パフォーマンステスト例シリーズ③
3 北原先生の参観・示範授業シリーズ③2021年12月千葉県柏3中 北原の1年生の示範授業



0. Teaching the pattern: Verb + object + bare infinitive

First, to review, what is the “bare infinitive”? The infinitive is simply the base form of a verb, and can either be a “to-infinitive” (e.g., “to play”) or the “bare infinitive” without “to” (e.g., “play”). The above pattern is one way in which we use the bare infinitive.

Mr. Kitahara quizzed us on the common verbs that work with this pattern. They include (among others) “make, let, have,” etc., as well as verbs of perception, such as “watch, see, hear, listen.”

One teacher offered “feel” as a possible verb. At the time, there seemed to be some doubt as to whether it is correct in this structure (I wondered for a second too), but I think we can use it in phrases like, “feel the ground shake” or “feel the spider crawl up my leg” (Eek!).

The point, however, is that JHS teachers need only worry about the most common verbs in the pattern. Students should have already encountered “let” in elementary school. From there, they can make do with learning only the ones listed in the 学習指導要領, namely “let” and “make” and a few verbs of perception. Private high school exams may require a knowledge of more verbs, but otherwise teachers should be careful not to overload the students by introducing every possible example.

I. “Jaremaga” Culture

This is a reading activity with an intercultural communication twist.

1. Students read the “Jaremaga” article to themselves and record the number of seconds they took to finish. (Today’s topic was about the delightful-sounding “Eel-eating Day” on July 27.)

2. Ss read the question and underline the answer in the original text.

3. After one minute, Ss say the answer aloud.

4. The teacher reads the whole article aloud while Ss listen.

5. The teacher goes over key words, phrases, and grammar underlined or highlighted in the text.

6. And now for the twist: This is not just a reading activity. The topic — deliberately chosen as a cultural one — serves as a launchpad for an impromptu pair speaking activity! They ask each other questions like, “Do you like to eat eels? When/Where do you eat them? Do you feel ‘power’ after you eat eels?” (Here I suddenly imagined forearm muscles instantly enlarging to twice their normal size, like Popeye’s after a dose of spinach!) They also get a chance to practice what they would say to a foreigner if they had to explain why Japanese people eat eel as a tonic food. Put simply, it’s nutritious and delicious! (Interesting fact from Kitahara sensei: the Edo Period polymath, Hiraga Gennai — the so-called “Da Vinci of Japan” as I afterwards discovered — was one of the first to champion unagi for its supposed invigorating properties.

7. Finally, Ss calculate their reading speed (WPM, words per minute).

II. Student Performance Test Video

The performance test is an oral skills test. Ss explain (in a few sentences) Japanese cultural items, holidays, traditions, etc., to the ALT in a set time limit. To prepare for this test in class, Kitahara sensei suggests a fun and engaging speaking activity done in pairs and with the whole class.

 1.  Ss stand up and face each other in pairs; one faces the blackboard (BB) while the other faces the back wall away from the BB.
 2.  The teacher writes a topic in large visible characters on the BB (e.g., ひな祭り).
 3.  The S facing the BB (S.A) must explain the topic in English (gestures not allowed) to his/her partner.
 4.  The S facing the back (S.B) must try to guess what topic his/her partner is trying to explain.
 5.  Once S.B guesses the answer correctly (“Is it Hinamatsuri?”) and S.A confirms it (“Yes, it is.”) this part of the activity is over.
 6.  Finished pairs sit down and discuss what other keywords they could have used to explain the topic better.
 7.  End the game when you determine that most pairs have finished. It’s not necessary to wait for all pairs to finish.
 8.  Pool the keyboards that the students used in the activity (around 5-6). Write them randomly on the BB (e.g., dolls, March 3, girls’ festival, red stairs, decorate/display, colored rice crackers, happiness).
 9.  Have the whole class put the words in the best order in which to mention them in an explanation. Ask, “What do you say first?” and write 1 next the the word, etc.
 10. Simultaneously with the whole class, practice giving an explanation, saying sentences in logical order using the numbered keywords on the BB. E.g., “It’s a girls’ festival on March 3.” (Mr. Kitahara suggests starting with the “big idea” (e.g., girl’s’ festival) and then going into details about it. He drew a looping spiral, which tapered downwards like a sketch of a tornado, on the board to illustrate the point.)
 11. Continue as above until all the keywords on the BB are used up. ***The above steps, 9-11, provide excellent practice in constructing a coherent and cohesive explanation. What makes it better is that it’s done collaboratively with the entire class. The class, in essence, is learning together.***
 12. Have the Ss practice saying the sentences again, this time individually. (E.g., “It’s a girls festival on March 3. We decorate dolls on red stairs for girls’ happiness. We eat colored rice crackers and sing songs.”)
 13. Start another round. Have Ss switch roles and write a new topic on the BB. (Mr. Kitahara referred us to the handouts provided for this workshop, which had lists of possible cultural topics with related keywords. All the words were ones actually produced by real students themselves.)

The earlier part of this activity, at least, might be familiar to some teachers. One version, a vocabulary review game, is called “Backs to the Board.” But what makes this particular version by Kitahara sensei so effective, is the way in which he uses the Ss previous knowledge (i.e., of vocabulary) as a foundation from which to build the Ss’ confidence in their ability to speak more fluently. I’ve used this activity as a kind of filler-game and no more, but Mr. Kitahara exploits it to its full potential.

Teachers could easily just hand out a sheet with model sentences, and then, in audiolingual fashion, have the class commit them to memory via massive practice. This approach, arguably, does not promote skills-learning at a deeper level. Mr. Kitahara’s approach does. His is more learner-centered, as it starts with “what students already know,” and gets Ss to cooperate as a class in constructing spoken discourse together. The teacher acts as a guide in this case, not necessarily as the “fount of all knowledge.” I believe teachers and ALTs can apply this same activity procedure to any lesson theme with great success if done thoughtfully.

Mr. Kitahara then played a video recording of his students taking the performance test with the ALT (he sat offscreen in the recording, but I believe it was Joel sensei). In a set time limit, a student sits at a desk in front of the ALT and picks up a card from a pile on the desk. Written on the card is a topic (visible to both the S and ALT). The S must explain the topic to the ALT in a few sentences, and when finished, picks up another card and continues with the same procedure. The ALT says little beside minimal encouragers like “cool, nice, well done,” etc. (This is just as it should be — the Ss should do most of the talking — it is a test after all.) If a topic is too difficult, the S may skip it, but must ask permission first (“Let me skip it”). Presumably, the ALT not only listens but also evaluates the performance. What was noticeable was the Ss’ clear pronunciation, of course (typical of Mr. K’s students), but also their relative fluency. As for accuracy, I noticed only minor mistakes — no doubt owing to the effective way in which the Ss prepare for the test during class time through activities such as the one described above.

III. Kitahara sensei’s visit to Kashiwa Dai 3 JHS

Mr. Kitahara showed us a video of his guest lesson at this school in Chiba, but not before, of course, allowing us to experience the lesson ourselves.

Aims of the lesson: (1) To understand the content of the textbook containing the present continuous. (2) To build vocabulary. (3) To challenge paced reading and shadowing.


 1.  Picture card Q&A: show picture cards and have class stand up. Ask questions (who, what, where, why) and call on Ss to answer; if correct they can sit down, if not remain standing. ***Let Ss use their knowledge to explain the situation initially instead of doing it all yourself.***
 2.  Give a brief introduction to the situation but allow Ss to supply some information (e.g., T: “This is Jack. He looks…” Ss: “Tired!”).
 3.  New words practice: 1st time, English side of flashcards once through. 2nd time, stop at some words to practice pronunciation and elicit similar words Ss have previously studied (words similar in pronunciation, structure, meaning). E.g., “Room. What are other words that have ‘oo’? What are other kinds of ‘rooms’?” 3rd time, gesture words; ask Ss to look up some words in the dictionary; make connections with and elicit knowledge of words Ss already know; point out spelling (e.g., “wiping” is missing the silent “e” in “wipe”). 4th time, quickly flash the words at random; Ss say them while gesturing. 5th time, show Japanese definition first. 6th time, Ss look at the Japanese definitions again and spell the English words in the air with their finger.
 4.  Ss read the text silently to themselves. When finished, they stand up. Early finishers can discuss what parts they didn’t understand so well.
 5.  Read the text to Ss; change your voice for each character; make it dramatic, but natural-sounding (Mr. K does it like a voice actor!).
 6.  Choral reading line by line. (A discussion question here was, “Is this ‘ondoku’ practice yet?” Answer: “No. The purpose is to “collect data” on Ss’ various reading ability — if I understood correctly.)
 7.  Choral reading while expressing with gestures. Also, point out the proper intonation and stress. Ask Ss, “Why does he/she say it this way?” ***Good for pragmatic awareness — giving excuses, doubting whether someone’s telling the truth, etc.***
 8.  Class reads aloud in unison; encourage them to express appropriately.
 9.  Paced reading (Ss read at same speed and pitch as you).
 10. Shadowing (insert a different word once in a while; Ss should repeat after you even if different from text).
 11. Individual reading (Ss read 5 times; if not loud enough, tap S’s desk which sets counter back to zero).
 12. Once finished, fill in one of the blank “ondoku” circles on bottom of textbook page.

Homework: Ss practice reading text 10 times. In the next lesson, check if Ss can reproduce the text from memory just by watching you act it out with gestures. Inability to do so indicates insufficient practice.

In the video of Mr. K’s lesson at Kashiwa JHS, we could discern his ability to establish instant rapport with a new group of students. Also evident was his ability to keep the class attentive and engaged while maintaining an atmosphere of good humor and fun.

There is one word that stands out in my mind when I attempt to sum up my impressions of Kitahara sensei’s lessons. I’ve just hinted at it in the last paragraph. It is “engagement.” As the lesson proceeds from one part to another, everyone must remain continuously on their mental tippy toes. That is true of not only the students, but also the teachers. No one is allowed to cruise along on autopilot.


0 原形不定詞の扱い方

1 じゃれマガカルチャー
 「書かれている文化が日本文化の場合、何個か教師と生徒でQ&Aを行い、その後その文化についてペアで会話する。」(例)Do you like to eat eels? When do you eat eels? Where do you eat eels? Do you feel “power” after out eat eels?

2 生徒のパフォーマンスビデオ③(日本文化の紹介)

3 北原先生の参観・師範授業③2021年12月千葉県柏市 1年生の授業


T先生 :8月15日がやって来る。今は解散した『丸山眞男手帳の会』の丸山の命日に毎年行われた「「復初」の集い」で、井上ひさしが講演を行い「日本で最も面白い雑誌」と会報を評したことを思い出した。キタケンの例会こそ日本で最も有益で面白い研修会だと思う。




北原先生:生徒が言えることは生徒に言わせる。imaginattionを搔き立てる訓練をすることが大事。teacher talk(やディジタル教科書の音声)だけでは生徒が聞く一方で、不十分。






(How about you?)「何で言った?」「エミリーがだめだったから」

(No, I’m watching TV.)(I’m wiping the TV set.)「すぐに言える?言い訳を考える間が必要でしょう?」

(All right.)「姉弟でけんかが始まりそうなので「しかたね~な」という気持ちで」







Q&Aで、生徒がなかなか文としてこたえらないので、生徒が既にこたえた文を、教科書の絵を示しながら、「What’s this? It’s a box.」と、新しい質問を出しては、生徒が言えない状況が繰り返される度にお手本を示していた。

1. じゃれマガカルチャー

2. 日本文化紹介
生徒だけではなく教師側も慣れるまでには準備が必要そうではありますが、キーワード集を見ながら自分だったらキーワードを使ってどんな風に言えるかなどをあらかじめ考え、まずは挑戦してみようと思います。またトピックの中にはお中元など生徒があまり知らなそうなものがありますが、それらもsmall talkのひとつにできそうです。

3. 示範授業
○New Words
ジェスチャーで単語を表現させる部分が特に印象的でした。New Words、音読、辞書指導、Basic Dialogなど様々なところでジェスチャーを取り入れているからこそ、パフォーマンスビデオで観た生徒たちは自然に使うことができるのかと思いました。



1. じゃれマガカルチャー

2. 日本文化紹介
生徒だけではなく教師側も慣れるまでには準備が必要そうではありますが、キーワード集を見ながら自分だったらキーワードを使ってどんな風に言えるかなどをあらかじめ考え、まずは挑戦してみようと思います。またトピックの中にはお中元など生徒があまり知らなそうなものがありますが、それらもsmall talkのひとつにできそうです。

3. 示範授業
○New Words
ジェスチャーで単語を表現させる部分が特に印象的でした。New Words、音読、辞書指導、Basic Dialogなど様々なところでジェスチャーを取り入れているからこそ、パフォーマンスビデオで観た生徒たちは自然に使うことができるのかと思いました。



1 じゃれマガカルチャーの実演
TopicはEel-eating Day
今回新たに加わったのが「書かれた文化についてペアで会話する」というものでした。Do you like to eat eels? When do you eat eels? Where do you eat eels? Do you feel “power” after you eat eels?の会話をペアで行いました。今はやっているretellingよりも日本文化の方が生徒にとって身近で話しやすいです。自分の知っていることや生徒にとって興味のあるトピックで実際に英語を使う場を意図的に作っていきたいです。資料の中に「異文化を学び、お互いの差異を知ることは平和への第一歩であると同時に自国の文化を再認識して大事にすることでもあります。」とあります。その通りだな、と改めて考えるきっかけに。

2 日本文化紹介の実演
「潮干狩り」と「梅雨」のお題でペアで行いました。key wordを全体でシェアする時に前置詞や冠詞の正しい使い方を確認することで、正確に英語を使用できるようになっていくのだと思いました。実際に自分でやってみないと授業では扱えないと思いますし、教師の英語力も必要だと感じます。私の場合は、いきなり教える3年生では日本文化紹介はできずにいます。間違いなく力がつく活動だと思うので、生徒の実態に合わせて取り入れたいと思いました。

3 生徒のパフォーマンス映像(日本文化紹介)
2016年11月に行った赤坂中学校の生徒さんのパフォーマンステストの映像を見せていただきました。どの子も、使用している英語が正確です。「お花見」のお題では、We go to the park to see cherry blossoms.など、不定詞を自然に使っているところがすごいと思いました。「イメージでしゃべっている。日本語は介してないでしょ?」と北原先生。先生の指導をしっかりと入れて継続して行うことで、ここまでできるようになるのだと思いました。実際の生徒さんの映像を久しぶりに見て、発音も本当に素晴らしく感動しました。

4 Bパタンの授業実演
全員立って分かったら手をあげて答える。間違えてもいいから何度でも。small mistakeの場合はChance!と言ってあげる。仲間の間違いのおかげでクラス全体で学べる。人の発言をしっかりと聞かないと直してあげられないし、学びも減る。「生徒が知っていることは生徒に言わせる」ことで、学習した表現を実際に使えるようになっていくと思います。1度習っただけでは身に付かないし、何度も繰り返して使う機会を作っていかないといけないと思いました。

●Oral Introduction

●New Words(紙のフラッシュカードを使用)
①生徒が発音 Let me show your tongue.
②生徒が発音→先生の後にリピート フォニックスのルールを確認
③意味をジェスチャーで確認 コロケーションも教える(turn on⇔turn offなど)
④白カードを使って下、上を隠して 形で認識させる

⑥paced reading
⑧individual reading


